Material Topic Analysis

Taking into account the context of sustainability, we primarily collected topics based on the 34 topics listed in the GRI Standards published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), along with topics in the G4 Mining and Metals Sector Supplement and SASB’s provisional standards for resource transformation industries, including the chemical industry, the MSCI petrochemical industry, and the MSCI bulk chemical industry, as well as other industry players’ own topics. In the end, a total of 32 sustainability topics were identified and used as the basis for questionnaire design. The questionnaire method was adopted to conduct a survey on the topics of concern to stakeholders and the material impact of the management team on our corporate sustainability. After performing cross-analysis on the questionnaire data, the topics were ranked according to the analysis results. Upon discussion during a meeting held by the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee, a total of 13 material topics were identified while a materiality matrix was drawn. Our management approaches to these topics were also disclosed at the same time. Compared to the previous year, four new material topics, namely “Energy,” “Operational Safety and Emergency Response,” “Customer Privacy and Information Security,” and “Sustainable Supply Chain Management,” were added in 2021, such that our material topics were more in line with government regulations and international sustainability trends.

Materiality Matrix

Explanation on material topics

Material topics General topics
1Air Pollution 3Chemical Safety 27Social Engagement
2Carbon Emissions 4Ethical Corporate Management 28Market Presence
5Occupational Safety and Health 7Product Quality and Safety 29Marketing and Labeling
6Energy 13Patents 30Procurement Practices
8Legal Compliance 15Climate Change Response 31Biodiversity
9Operational Safety and Emergency Response 16Corporate Governance 32Public Policy
10Economic Performance 17Materials
11Customer Privacy and Information Security 18Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
12Waste Management 19Labor-Management Relations
14Water Resources 21Clean Technology Opportunities
20Employment 22Product Design
23Training and Education 24Taxes
25Sustainable Supply Chain Management 26Human Rights Management