Personnel Composition

By referencing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization Tripartite Declaration of Principles, along with strict compliance with domestic labor laws and regulations, we have not only formulated and implemented the relevant human resource policies, but also instituted internal rules and regulations, which apply to all our employees and protect them.

As far as the human rights principles such as equal employment opportunity are concerned, we offer all jobseekers equal employment opportunities in full compliance with various laws and regulations, including the Labor Standards Act, the Employment Service Act, and the Act of Gender Equality in Employment. At the same time, our internal rules and regulations also outline various provisions related to employee pay, performance evaluation, promotion, and bonuses aimed at safeguarding employees’ rights and interests. Employees are hired based on their professional skills, education and career background, and competencies, without ever taking into account ethnicity, ideology, religion, party affiliation, place of ancestry, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, and physical or mental disabilities as our recruitment criteria. Since our founding, we have never employed child labor, nor have there been any cases of labor dispute, corruption, bribery, forced or compulsory labor, and discrimination, as well as any incidents involving human rights violations. CSCC has implemented the following measures to protect employee rights:

Employee protection Response measure Description
Provide reasonable grievance channels Establish the Rules for Grievances and Disciplinary Measures Provide employees with proper grievance channels in the event that their legitimate rights are undermined or improperly infringed upon
Prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace Institute the Measures for Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Offer employees and jobseekers a work environment without sexual harassment

Personnel Composition

As of the end of 2022, there were a total of 312 employees at CSCC (including 271 male employees and 41 female employees), all of which are Taiwan nationals. The average age and years of service among our employees were 40.7 years old and 13 years, respectively, while 86.2% of them hold at least a junior college degree. Owing to the characteristics of the industry to which we belong, a majority of our employees are males. Yet, we endeavor to create a diverse workplace and provide promotion opportunities based on the principles of gender equality. CSCC's human resource structure for the last three years is detailed as follows:

CSCC's human resource structure for the last three years

Distribution of staff by level in 2022

Age distribution of ethnic minority employees and employees with physical and mental disabilities at CSCC in 2022